Thursday 12 January 2017

The Fire That Does Not Taint

A golden sky of dawn
the creation breathes in
but our struggles go unseen
by all except the Goddess.
The fight for purity,
detachment but love
dying to something primitive
that by all accounts looks like love,
but is poison and bitterness in disguise.
Under the pressure, a light appears
the more overdue, the stronger
is the invisible hand, holy presence like
a silvery, comforting veil
or moonlight making the air around me
luminous in the dark night,
snow crystals glittering like
the new understanding in my heart.
Arthur Rackham,

The mind is powerless facing these mysteries
the mystery of the agony of repentance,
losing hope but not ceasing to look
for a stronger faith
as if the heart will not allow
my grasp of the light to loosen
just like it won't allow the breath,
the blood, the body to cease.

My mysterious Mother
Mother of Angels,
Mother of the Universe,
Mother of Creation
infusing this black, defiled body
bringing to life the ancient fire
in my atoms, the fire that leads
to immortality
in the sacred darkness and prayer
you appear, you guide me
I cannot take my mind or heart away from you
or the dangers will come too close to endure.

How easy to deny everything - evil and love,
but let me find a way of flowing
through the grip of evil
and into the pure spaces
where I may find love
that burns and consumes like the secret eternal fire
that does not taint.


  1. thank you for your wonderful comment on my weblog. i have long loved your journal here, you have such a beautiful poetic spirit.

    1. Thank you so much Sarah :)

    2. Oh and by the way thank you from my heart for linking to my blog from your page once upon a time. It was a long time ago and I think I never thanked you or acknowledged you for it :( It was very very nice as I don't have a lot of readers or views, to have you mention it!

  2. So beautiful. Thank you for writing this.
